The Father of Computer is widely accepted to be Alan Turing. He was a British mathematician and logician who made significant contributions to the development of computing science in the 1940s, particularly with his theoretical work on algorithms and computation machines. In 1936, he published a paper that laid down the foundations for modern computers as we know them today.
What was the First Computer Called
The first computer was called the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). It was developed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946 and was used to calculate artillery firing tables for the U.S. Army during World War II. The ENIAC weighed 30 tons, filled an entire room, and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes that were used as switches or memory devices.
Charles Babbage Computer
Charles Babbage was a 19th century English mathematician and inventor who is known as the father of computing. He designed two types of mechanical computers, the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine, which laid the foundations for today’s modern computer. His work laid down many principles that are still used in current machines such as storing programs on paper tapes or punched cards and using binary arithmetic to simplify data processing.
The first complete working model of Babbage’s difference engine was constructed in London in 2002 more than 150 years after it had originally been designed.